The golden thread or spider web application has gained a very popular place in recent times.
While applications such as filling, mesotherapy and PRP have just begun to be grasped in the aesthetic field, applications such as rope technology and focused ultrasound have emerged.
gold threads; They are products with PDO structure, tissue biocompatibility, and remain in the tissue for a long time.
These threads stimulate collagen synthesis. It increases circulation and oxygenation in the tissue.
It produces significant tissue regeneration. It provides brightness and quality increase in the skin.
It collects the sagging and loosening caused by the effect of gravity on the face.
Corrects the ovality of the face.
Rope application is applied in polyclinic conditions. It is applied with local anesthesia. Threads are placed under the skin.
After the application, redness, edema and sometimes bruising may occur. These findings disappear completely within a few days.
The effect of the threads lasts about 1.5-2 years.
It can be easily combined with applications such as filling.